The Aquarium of the Pacific is located in Long Beach, CA. It looks like an amazing place if you like the sea and the creatures in it. Their webcams are just what the doctor ordered if you need some undersea zen moments. Miss Bunn particularly found the Anthias and Wrasse Exhibit webcam to be very soothing in full screen mode.
Click the link above to get to their main page. Click on exhibits and then webcams to be taken to the webcam page. Their are several to choose from. Penquin Habitat (both above and below water), Sea Jellies, Tropical Reef, Honda Blue Cavern, Anthias and Wrasse Exhibt, and Shark Lagoon. Can you say "Why wait for shark week"?
At the bottom of each webcam screen click on the "Aquarium Webcam Resource Kit" to find lesson plans, short educational videos, worksheets, and web-based activities and resources for K-8th grade students.
The Aquarium is offering an Online Academy to bring educational programming as well as fun and entertaining activities to the public during the current closure.There you will find both on-demand videos and activities for all ages (grade levels K through 12 are listed) and a schedule of interactive live programs with aquarium educators, from virtual classroom sessions to Pacific Pals puppets. Check back often as the page will be updated regularly with new content and live dates as they become available. There is even a Sea Star Certificate to print out for kids who have tuned in to one of the programs.
SO much to do there and now we have the time to do it! Enjoy!