Saturday, September 19, 2009

Avast, Ye Peeps!!!

Today is Talk Like A Pirate Day in case you didn't know.

This "international holiday" was conceived by Mark "Cap'n Slappy" Summers, John "Ol' Chumbucket" Bauer and Tori "Mad Sally" Bauer some seven years ago.

Just reading about how this auspicious day got started is entertaining and I recommend having a look: How It All Started.

Obviously the whole thing has blossomed in seven years and you can follow it on Facebook and other social networking sites.

There are trinkets and such to plunder as well.

And there are also off-shoots such as " Pirates for Parkinsons, planning "Walk Like A Pirate" charity walks all over the world to raise money for a good cause while havin' a rip-roarin' good time."

The site is full of good fun. There's Pirate Advice, Fun & Games, Links, How-to's and more.

There are also some pages for Junior Pirates that includes a Pirate Curriculum and Pirate Themed Books.

(Check out the Pirate Name Generators or the Pirate Personality Test under the Fun & Games tab!)

Miss Bun is ready to put on her eye patch and party like only a Pirate Librarian can!

So, Peeps, go get your swagger on and party hearty!!!

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